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Puerto Rico Broadband Program Announces Calls for Employment

Puerto Rico's Broadband Program, Smart Island, published nine employment opportunities for that entity, as announced by its executive director, Enrique A. Völckers-Nin, assistant secretary of the Governance for Innovation, Information, Data and Technology.

The vacant positions are: senior manager of administrative broadband projects, finance associate, grant program leader, senior manager of broadband infrastructure projects, and broadband outreach coordinator. Also, broadband project manager, administrative assistant, broadband project manager and senior financial advisor.

“We are looking for professionals to help us guide the projects we have under way to close the digital divide on the island and bring high-speed Internet that benefits the entire Puerto Rican people,” said Völckers-Nin.

The Puerto Rico Broadband Program was created by the governor, Pedro R. Pierluisi, through Executive Order 20240 to coordinate, authorize and execute the disbursement of local and federal funds allocated to Puerto Rico for the construction of broadband infrastructure on the island.
The Program is developing a five-year Strategic Plan which will ensure that funds are used within the established terms to do so and will ensure that the broadband infrastructure necessary to close the digital divide on the Island is built promptly.

Those interested in applying for some of the positions advertised should fill out their online application on the website:

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